Frequently asked questions about NAET

Q: What happens during the first visit?

The first consultation usually takes between one and half, and two hours and I begin by taking a very thorough personal history. Often an allergy can be connected with an emotional experience. I need to gain an insight into the individual make-up of each patient. This includes not only the main illness that may have lead them to seek help, but also any traumas or difficult emotional experiences they may have had. In addition, I need to understand other aspects of their lives such as their sleep, and diet, as well as their work and main relationships.

Q: What illnesses are treated by NAET?

A: NAET treats a wide range of illnesses. This includes not only obvious allergies such as hay fever, asthma, and to specific foods, but any others which one would not think of as connected with allergies, such as depression, fatigue, hyperthyroid or poor digestion.

Q: How many treatments are required to clear an allergy?

A: This varies a great deal from one patient to another. Many factors influence the number of treatments, such as how long a patient has been ill, the severity of the illness and their life style. Usually we see patients once a week for 12 to 16 sessions.

Q: Do you always use acupuncture needles when treating?

A: No. Some patients prefer to have the points massaged.

Q: Do you treat children with NAET?

A: Yes. Quite a few children come in for treatment and I find that they usually enjoy the treatments and respond very quickly. I have had very good results treating ADD, asthma and bronchitis. Children as young as two and three years old can be treated.