FAQ Acupunture

Frequently asked questions about acupuncture

Frequently asked questions about Five Element Acupuncture

Q: What is Five Element Acupuncture?

A: Five Element Acupuncture is an ancient tradition of healing originating in China several thousand years ago. It is based on natural laws of nature, and focuses on re-establishing the natural balance and harmony of the vital life energy called chi. The ancient Chinese described the chi as having five distinct qualities or Elements. These Elements are are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Each Element is associated with a number of aspects of life, such as seasons, colors, and foods, as well as different aspects of the body such as muscles, ligaments, and bones. The Elements are also connected to different emotions such as fear, anger and grief. Every aspect of life can be associated with one of the Elements.

Q: How does acupuncture work?

A: The flow of chi and the relative balance between the Elements can be re-established by inserting very fine needles into specific acupuncture points found at particular locations along meridians or pathways of chi.

Q: Does acupuncture hurt?

A: No! The needles are very, very fine, about the thickness of a human hair. There is a sensation as the needle goes in, but it is rarely painful.

Q: Is acupuncture safe?

A: Yes. We use high quality disposable needles. Usually the needles are only inserted about an eighth of an inch, so it is safe and painless.

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Q: What happens during the first visit?

A: The first consultation usually takes between one and half and two hours. We begin by taking a very thorough personal history. We need to gain a deep insight into the individual make-up of each patient, not only the main illness that may have led them to seek help, but also other aspects of their lives such as their sleep, and diet, as well as their work, and main relationships etc. In order to treat the whole person it is essential that we have an understanding of all aspects of their lives. After we complete the history we conduct a physical examination, and conclude the session by giving an acupuncture treatment.

Q: How many treatments will be necessary?

A: This varies a great deal from one patient to another. Many factors influence the number of treatments, such as how long a patient has been ill, the severity of the illness and their life-style. Usually we see patients once or twice a week until there is a significant improvement in their condition. Typically this is in three to six treatments. The appointments are then spread out to every two or three weeks, and, as patients improve, to every few months.

Q: What types of illnesses do you treat?

A: We focus on treating the individual, not the illness. We have patients coming to see us for a very wide range of illnesses. In a typical week we may see patients who have started treatment because of back pain, panic attacks, high blood pressure, insomnia, arthritic pain, or painful periods. Regardless of the condition, our approach is to focus on the individual patient and to find and correct the underlying imbalance within the elements.

Q: How do I find out more about treatment?

A: We encourage patients to come in for a short initial consultation. This takes about ten or fifteen minutes, and there is no charge. It gives us a chance to meet and to answer any questions you may have.